How much Horsepower does the Jeep Comanche make? Today we’ll find out! Come along with us as we take the Comancheep to David Branson from DBR High Performance as he uses HP Tuners software to tune the Comanche to its max, then put it on a Dyno and and test its...
This is the walkaround of Project Comancheep! I’ve been putting off this walk around for a while because the Jeep isn’t finished… but then again, when is a Jeep ever finished? Fo now is as good a time as any right! Get 20% OFF KC HiLites:...
in this video I go through some trial and error trying to find a brake booster and master cylinder combo that will fit in the Comancheep Project. If a BleepinJeep video has ever helped you consider returning the favor by: • Supporting us on Patreon here:...
In this video I’ll show you how to make roll cage brackets that are all the same size and shape, then I’ll show you how I modified the original Jeep Comanche seat brackets to fit the aftermarket Corbeau seats in Project Comancheep! If a BleepinJeep video...
I got shafted by my own axle shaft on Project Comancheep! In this video I show you some of the little things that can go wrong and just eat up your time when doing work on your vehicle. In a future video we’ll show you some ways to prevent rust issues like this....