Step By Step TDI Swap – Part 7 : Electrical Wiring

Step By Step TDI Swap – Part 7 : Electrical Wiring

This time on part 7 of the step by step TDI swap, we’re diving in to the dreaded electrical wiring. If you can spare the cheddar, a harness from Fast Forward Automotive takes a TON of the guesswork and time out of this portion. You’re going to need to...
Ophir Pass – Colorado Adventure

Ophir Pass – Colorado Adventure

In this video Hope and I head from Ouray over Ophir Pass into the town of Ophir and then out close to Telluride and our campsite near Alta Lakes Campground. From Ouray, Ophir pass is a scenic and easy trail with great views of the valley. Once at the top, it leads out...
Installing THOR Grab Handles in an XJ

Installing THOR Grab Handles in an XJ

Ever reached for a grab point when wheeling and it just wasn’t there? Or what you did grab broke or seemed insecure? THOR has the product to answer this need with their Grab Handles! These install easily and are surprisingly sturdy, we’ll even show you an alternative...
Colorado Scenic Byway: Alpine Loop

Colorado Scenic Byway: Alpine Loop

The Colorado Scenic Byway, AKA the Alpine Loop is an off road trail between the towns of Silverton, Lake City, and Ouray in Colorado. The loop includes Engineer Pass and Cinnamon Pass with many other trails and offshoots in between like Poughkeepsie Gulch, Corkscrew,...
Can We Free the Jeep FC? – Jeep FC Build

Can We Free the Jeep FC? – Jeep FC Build

It’s the final push to free the Jeep FC cab from the frame and motor below, is it going to work out? Will the sketchy gantry crane that we built support all that weight? And what other problems are we going to run into? I’ll give you a hint… it has...
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