by johnlafon | Jul 6, 2022
Hey everybody, we want to thank you so much for following along in our adventures. This video was filmed at AOAA in Pennsylvania where we tackled the toughest trail in the north east called Mammoth. We brought the Jeep Rats Nest XJ for Recovery and The Scorpion...
by johnlafon | Jul 3, 2022
Welcome to another episode of BleepinJeep where we take our adventures to Pennsylvania and tackle the trails at AOAA in Coal Township. We had the opportunity to be part of The Ultimate Off Road Field Trip where anyone can sign up to join us and other YouTube and...
by johnlafon | Jun 29, 2022
In this video we take you to Butler, Pennsylvania where they built the very first “JEEP” concept vehicle. We hit the trails, do a team competition in the scorpion crawler (Khana). We take on the obstacle course and the hard “Black Rated” trail...
by johnlafon | Jun 26, 2022
In this video we take a look at all the awesome benefits of hauling your rig without a trailer. We also review the updates needing when only spending $5k on a vehicle build including the purchase. We upgrade the needed items that the Samurai’s Crawler Hauler has...
by johnlafon | Jun 22, 2022
The Rust in Rats Nest has been fixed and all the interior welding has been completed. Can we seal it all up for good by coating the underneath and top of the floor? Nobody wants to ever have to repair rust on this jeep again!! We show you the ins & outs of bed...